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Experience the Benefits of Ancient Techniques

Acupuncture With Proven Results

Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Pain, Sleep...

Are you ready to Start Healing?

Tired of taking drugs for your ailments?

Bothered by the side effects?

Millions of people have found acupuncture to be a better solution than drugs or surgery. With a 3,000-year history, acupuncture successfully addresses chronic ailments and manages pain.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine is a safe, painless alternative for treating:

     • All types of PAIN - Arthritis, fibromyalgia, back pain and carpal tunnel

     •Allergies, asthma and other respiratory problems

     •Gastrointestinal issues

     •Gynecological problems like infertility and PMS

     •Depression, anxiety, insomnia and stress

     •And many more physical, emotional and neurological issues


Acupuncture in a nutshell:

There are numerous styles of acupuncture just like there are numerous styles of martial arts or many ways on how to bake a cake, etc. With all styles, the one thing that remains constant is the effect - which in it's most simplistic form is to increase circulation and recharge.

Say you have an injury, stress, or disease - acupuncture can increase the circulation bringing with it the proper "natural" healing neuropeptides such as endorphins and , serotonin, and many other reactions (a neurochemical release). The needles and points used are important to direct where the brain should increase that circulation.

Why do we use needles? Our body has energy. MRIs use it, so do EKGs. Our hearts conduct electrical impulses. We have ionic, positive and negative reactions happening in our bodies constantly. The metal needles conduct and redirect the ionic reaction. The specific points used help us direct it to the specific area.

rule of thumb: The ideal approach to illness is to begin treatment as soon as possible. The sooner you seek help, the easier it is to treat. For longstanding illnesses, weekly treatments may be required for several months in order to have a curative effect.


Lakewood Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine is dedicated to bringing health and healing to all

Give Jennifer a call today to find out how she can help you return to optimal health and wellness!

Call for an appointment today!


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